Fear and Fighting

Coach Bill and I have just returned from three back to back coaching gigs at training camps for some awesome fighters.  We made our way to CA to NY and finally TX, and racked up some sweet frequent flyer miles.

Anyway, we’ve had little time to do anything else, and have been lame about posting on this blog.

That’s about to change, starting now.

One thing that I’ve learned from working with over 1,000 fighters from many disciplines (including those in several Halls of Fame), is that almost every fighter deals with some level of fear before some fights.

Sure you can say you are a bad-ass, and never feel any fear, but we just don’t believe you. 

Unless you are totally fuckin’ nuts, some of those guys don’t feel fear, it’s true.

But their fighting careers are usually short lived, because they end up in prison, or dead in some back alley.

Assuming that’s not you, here’s our take on fear…

We have noticed that fighters describe many similar feelings and physical sensations between a state of being “pumped up” or excited, and feeling fear.

This is important to understand, as there often is a fine line between your optimal state and a fear state.

And just like Renegade Johnny Cash…





You want to Walk The Line.

So how do you do that?

We teach our fighters several different techniques to ensure that they are in the peak mental/emotional state going into battle, and that their bodies and minds recognize the strong emotions as positive, and not register them as fear.

One of the most powerful methods is called Anchoring.

This is a way to link up your optimal mental states with unique physical actions.

Sounds wierd, we know.

But with a little practice, you will be able to anchor an action (like tapping your left shoulder, for example), to the state of ultimate confidence.  Then you will be able to activate it at any time and FEEL CONFIDENT.

Are you getting the idea of just how valuable this will be to you as a fighter?

I’ve got a video for you showing you how to do it.

Check it out – http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gcztx3yEoQU

In our next blog post we’ll show you another technique for clearing out ANY negative emotion in minutes.

To see all of our mental tools and tricks for fighters, visit:

